Data Storytelling - Demystified

What is the purpose of this training event? 

The training event is designed to teach participants about the art of data storytelling in a simple and engaging way. Data storytelling is a key skill required by businesses to ensure effective communication of data, including clear reports and presentations. 

What happens if your event is oversubscribed and I can't buy a ticket? 

Don't worry - we will be running this event throughout the year. Data storytelling is a popular skill to learn so it is not surprising that it sells out. 

Is there any prerequisite knowledge or experience required to attend this training? 

No prerequisite knowledge or experience is required. The training is designed to accommodate participants with varying levels of expertise. 

Will there be opportunities for networking with other participants? 

Yes, there will be scheduled breaks and activities to facilitate networking among participants. Participants will be asked to work with different people during the day to ensure they meet with and interact with as many of the other participants as possible 

Is there any pre-training material or preparation required? 

All materials will be presented on the day. There is no pre-reading or other preparation needed. 

Will there be a certificate of completion provided at the end of the training? 

Yes, participants who successfully complete the training will receive a certificate of completion from CHAIn Intelligence. 

Will the training be recorded for later viewing? 

The training sessions may be recorded for later viewing. Depending on permission given by participants. However, training materials will be provided after the event 

What technical requirements are necessary for a smooth online experience? 

Participants will need a stable internet connection, microphone, webcam, etc. for a smooth online experience. 

Do I need to install any specific software or tools to join the online sessions? 

Participants should not need to install Microsoft Teams to join the online sessions, as this can be accessed online. 

Is there a test or practice session to ensure that I can connect to the online platform successfully 

Yes, there will be a test or practice session scheduled before the event to ensure participants can connect successfully. 

Can I join the online sessions using a mobile device? 

Yes, participants can join the online sessions using a mobile device, although some of the slides may be difficult to see and group work may be more challenging. A computer or laptop is recommended for the best experience.